Thursday, October 31, 2019

Object-oriented vs traditional structured Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Object-oriented vs traditional structured - Essay Example It is indispensable to note that object oriented programming remains as the most high-level, flexible, and reusable program compared to structured programming. Object oriented programming (OPP), is much advanced than the structured programming languages since it incorporates three important principles of software development like encapsulation for data hiding which is not common in structured system. Structured programming is the application programming method created in a top- down coding style with functions oriented structures. The structured programming employs the programming mechanisms of dividing program source codes into modules, which consist of control statements like loops, library or user defined functions. The development and implementation of structured programming happens sequentially. Object oriented programming promotes the communication of objects and functions in the main program and the classes in private or public manner. There are three characteristics of object-oriented programming which the structured programming does not have for example the encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism (Pecinovscy, 2013). In contrast, structured programming takes the top-bottom approach in the development of its codes while OOP remains organized into classes and embedded with functions that control the data within the classes. Secondly, structured programming is based on data structures and subroutines while the object oriented has object that supports polymorphism or reusability accelerating system design hence the reduction cost in software development. Structured programming split tasks into modular forms improving the readability and the simplicity of its coding system. While in the object oriented programs each object code structure include the data and the statements controlling the data flow. There is no reusability in the structured code systems while in coding system of the OPP codes there is reusability meaning a section of codes can find use

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hawaii Watersports Essay Example for Free

Hawaii Watersports Essay With the white sandy beaches and crystal clear water Hawaii is the ideal place for ocean water sports. There are a wide range of water sports, from highly aggressive to leisurely sports that all types of people can enjoy. There are even sports which are specific only to the exotic islands encompassing this magnificent state. Taking a look at each individual sport will excite and possible mystify the sports enthusiast. Today we will take a look at sea kayaking, kite boarding, surfing, windsurfing, sailing, and scuba diving. Sea kayaking is an exhilarating and physically challenging sport. One must be sure to have the proper equipment and technique before heading out into the salty blue. It is said that kayakers ‘wear their kayaks’ and selecting a proper sea kayak, one that fits comfortably to your body type, can be a difficult task. First make sure that you fit comfortable in the pit. It should be snug, but not tight. If it is loose it may be difficult to maneuver. Kayaking is relaxing and comfortable sport especially around the islands. There are many ecological kayaking tours offered throughout Hawaii that will take you places and show you some of the amazing creatures and sites of the islands. Kite boarding is a new age surface water sport that is trendy among young people. Kite boarding is very similar to wakeboarding with the exception that the board is controlling their own movements with a kite, fully equipped with handle, instead of being pulled by a boat. Kite boarding is an extreme sport combining balance and coordination with the unique technique of keeping a kite in the air. Kite boarders have an unrivaled experience as they let the wind control their moves and can sometimes reach heights of 30 feet, and if they skilled and adventurous they may be able to do flips and other stunts before smoothly returning to the ocean. It is recommended that the new kite boarder takes a few lessons to learn proper techniques before venturing out on a kite boarding adventure. Surfing is a timeless and classic sport. Surfing like kite boarding is a surface water sport where the participant rides waves while balancing on a surf board. Surfing can actually be broken into many categories including body boarding, windsurfing, and body surfing. Body boarding is best described by using your body to ride a foam board over waves. Windsurfing uses both aspects of surfing and sailing. A windsurf board is a surf board with a sail attached. The windsurfer steers themselves with the sail and rides the wave as a surfer would. Body surfing is actually what the name implies, using one’s body to ride the waves. Body surfers are usually equipped with nothing by swim fins to take on the task of riding the breaking waves. Sailing is a leisurely recreation sport in which a person, or group of people, steer a ship or sail boat using sails. Sail boats move forward because of the inertia caused when the wind is caught in the sail. Sailing is a technical sport and the proper skills must be learned before heading out to sea. Scuba diving is another popular sport among the islands. Scuba requires a certification because of the danger involved. There are many short certification courses for tourists to partake in. These courses cover the essentials and make time for some short open water dives were the scuba can explore the exotic world on ocean water. Hawaii is an exotic place with many things to offer the adventurer or sports enthusiast. It is important to learn the techniques of the sports one wishes to indulge themselves in to ensure a safe and happy stay on the islands.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream Analysis

No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream Analysis Shivam Gupta No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream Everybody has problems, be it in their personal, social, or professional life. Some problems, however, involve all aspects of life and we are asked to choose a side. So is the issue with our fellow Americans who are facing difficulties in finding jobs. Some blame the economy and immigration while others believe that it is because of the advancement in technology. Artificial Intelligence has taken control over the entire world and has turned peoples attention to the future of their jobs. There are those who fear that robots are going to replace them, but, on the other hand, there are those who believe that the advancement of robots is going help them make life easier. However, according to some people, robots are not to be blamed for the competition in the job market. I agree with the New York Times article No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream, real issue is not robots nor the advancing technology, rather, the real problems are the politicians and the policies they have impleme nted. Although people believe that robots are taking over the job market, data shows that it isnt the case. People like Christine Lagarde, former president Barack Obama believe that the robots are the reason behind the economic pain of globalization and that the economic dislocation would come over from automation (Editorial Board 1). If this was the case, you would see surge in the Capital Investment and Labor productivity as technology increases productivity and people invest more in technology. Instead, the data from the article shows that after the initial increase in the 1996-2002, both the investment and the productivity have gone down substantially. The Usage of data in the article shows the actual happenings in the world compared to what people are saying. Automation not only substitutes human labor, former complements the latter. It is the policies that the current government fails to implement and take action which prevents workers to share the earned wealth from technology-led-growth. The case wasnt the same for the 20th century where due to automation in the farms the result was mass migration of Americans from rural to urban areas in search of jobs and there came the knowledge of using automation in high schools to prepare students for the future. Young people were taught how to use the appropriate automation. Another example was when the productivity due to automation led to vast profits in the industries, the democrats at that time made policies which support workers and helped raise their pay. Ever since the World War II happened the education has taken a drift from the current scenario and the people in power are not doing anything regarding the issue. The result of this situation is that the rich are getting richer and the la bor class getting poorer. Politicians still target the immigrants and robots for the misery that they have brought upon the middle-class families due to their own failures. To disengage the doings, the policies made need to be revived, and new ones enacted. I agree with the New York Times article No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream, real issue is not robots nor the advancing technology, rather, the real problems are the politicians and the policies they have implemented. To decrease the effects of the problem, people need to be educated in using the technology. Even though the robots have taken workers place, the reason behind is the extra spending that the employers have to do on workers compared to the negligible maintenance they have to spend on machines. You need to understand the real problem here, the people in-charge, and take action towards them in order to not be sidelined by technology. Works Cited No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream. The New York Times 20 Feb. 2017. Web. 1 Mar. 2017.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Should Teacher Pay Be Based On Student Test Scores? Essay example -- m

For years, educators and government officials have argued what the most effective system of payment is for teachers in the United States. Government officials state that a â€Å"merit pay† system, where teacher pay would reflect the students’ test scores, would be the most effective and would increase teacher performance. Teachers, on the other hand, see the merit pay system as a threat to their salaries and fear that they cannot control student performance. The debate will continue for years to come. However, many people will agree that set teacher salary systems are more conducive to teaching students and maintaining a stable learning environment for all. Merit pay, also known as performance pay, systems have existed since 1862. Beginning in England, these systems focused on how many students attended classes and the number of students passing (Harris). The main goal of this particular system, in the Progressive Era, was to attract the finest teachers to certain areas and to make sure that children in the schools were learning a sufficient education. As time progressed, the same basic goals of the program have remained relatively the same. However, the popularity of the pay-for-performance program has wavered since its origination. For example, when the Russians launched Sputnik, there was a drastic push for academic excellence across the United States (Harris). In turn, many merit pay systems were implemented in hopes of giving teachers plenty of incentives and enticing them to perform to the best of their abilities. Most schools that applied the pay-for-performance plan within their school systems had dropped the program in t he next ten years. Many other countries, like Mexico and Bolivia, have also experimented with s... ...ty of Wisconsin-Madison, Aug. 2007. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. . Kobakhidze, Magda N. "Teacher Incentives and the Future of Merit-Based Pay in Georgia." Editorial. European Education 2010: 68-89. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Rosales, John. "NEA - Examining Merit Pay." NEA - NEA Home. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. . Smarick, Andy. "Diplomatic Mi$$ion." Editorial. Education Next 2011: 56-63. Education Full Text. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Springer, Matthew G. Performance Incentives: Their Growing Impact on American K-12 Education. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2009. Print Williamson, Ronald. "Education Partnerships, Inc." Education Partnerships Inc. 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Racial Discrimination Essay

There was a time in the United States of America when white Americans and African Americans were separated through a hierarchy. With the white Americans on top and the African Americans as slaves. This lead to what was recorded in history, the American Civil war where people fought to their death for equal rights. Also in recorded history was the invasion of the Spaniards in the Philippines for 333 years. People have fought and died for our country to be free and independent. And yet, it feels like not all their efforts have reached the world. That is because our world is not free from racial discrimination. Why do people discriminate different races? Are we really so different from others that we have to be looked down upon? Just because we are not white, we are already as low as dirt? Just because we don’t look the same or speak the same language or have the same culture, we are already lower creatures? Last time I checked God didn’t create the different races. He created only one race; humans. All with the same two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, hair, skin, two feet-each with five toes, two hands-each with five fingers and a heart that beats life. We all speak a language. We all have cultures. We all need a roof on our heads, clothes to wear and food on our table. We are all born the same way and in the end, we will all die. Is that so hard to accept?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biology Osmosis Observation

Biology laboratory work: Osmosis observation Measuring the dependence of net mass gain in potato pieces on concentration of sugar solution By Jonas Kulikauskas Siauliai Didzdvaris Gymnasium Hypothesis: The more sugar in solution, the more potato mass will decrease. Aim: To see how potato mass will change at different concentration solution. Research question: How the mass of potato will change at different concentration solutions? Variables: Dependent: solution concentration.Independent: sugar concentration in potatoes. Controlled: time, potato form. Apparatus: 1. 5 plastic cups 2. Distilated water 3. Potato 4. Knife 5. Clock 6. Electronical scales (Â ±0,05) 7. Bag of sugar 8. Measuring cylinder 9. Tap water Method: Peeling down the potato and cutting it into 1cm3 cubes (25 cubes) Weighing potatoes on the scales Putting different amount of sugar into five plastic cups (1st no sugar 2nd 6,8g 3rd 13,7g 4th 20,5 5th 27,4g) Adding 100ml of water to each of the cups Mixing the sugar with waterPutting in 5 potatoes into each cup Waiting 20 minutes Pulling out the potatoes, drying them up and putting on the scales Writing down new mass. Amount of sugar in solutionSolution concentration %Cup numberMass of five cubes before(Â ±0,05g)Mass of five cubes after (Â ±0,05g) 0g0%15,8g6g 6,8g6,37%25,1g5,2g 13,7g12,05%35,5g5,3g 20,5g17. 01%45,6g5,4g 27,4g21,51%55,5g5,3g Graph: While the concentration is from 0% to 6,37% the net mass gets bigger, later on from 12,05% to 21,51% the net mass gets smaller.When the concentration is from 0% to 6,37% the net mass change is positive, when from 17. 01% to 21,51% – negative. Conclusion: The potato lost more mass as it was submerged in bigger concentration solutions because the bigger concentration difference is, the osmosis will occurs more intensively. Evaluation: I think that laboratory work went pretty well, I managed to see the differences in potato mass change and make a conclusion of it. Next time I should write down origi nal numbers and not rounded ones to give more accurate results.