Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Does Nursing Have Future

Does Nursing Have Future? Taking a nursing course may become one of the most important things in your life, just like any other moment, when you make a critical vocational choice. It may sound funny for a person who has nothing to do with it, but this course is by no means easier than any other, the names of which sound much more impressive – and for a good reason, because a future nurse will be ensured the other people’s lives and well-being, maybe in a less definite way, than it may be said about a doctor, but still it is a position that imposes great responsibility on the one who chooses it. The current situation in our society creates ever growing opportunities for the ones who consider nursing as their future career. The matter is, modern medicine concentrates more and more on preventing disease, rather than curing it after it started. It means that the demand for nurses is increasing and will continue to develop along the same lines, at least in the near future. Nursing is often considered to be a poorly paid job without any possibilities of advancement – calling a spade a spade, the job for losers. Yet, nothing can be further from the truth. The salary of the nurse grows along with her responsibilities and in the course of time she may expect it to increase by several hundred percent. Speaking about â€Å"she†, it is also not all that definite – about 10% of the nurses are male and this number gradually increases, so your gender is no obstacle. The same goes about your age – many people decide to become nurses when they are over 40. So, don’t hesitate if you feel that it may be your vocation. All in all, nursing courses seem more and more appealing as of lately. They are certain to see further development.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Descriptive Essay About Beauty - 947 Words

I think our minds are obsessed with beauty. We envy those we cannot be. We strive to have this picture perfect life, or something close to it. When I was younger, I was never out going or the kid that talked all the time. That just wasn’t me. I never thought of myself as beautiful. I thought I was pretty, but in my mind, to be truly beautiful, one must possess other characteristics beyond the physical realm. To be exquisite, perfectly, and wholeheartedly beautiful, one must be: independent, self-confident, and happy. I didn’t see this in myself at the time, but how could I? I was still in elementary school. There is one woman, however, who I considered being one of the most beautiful beings. She is partially the reason I am the person I am†¦show more content†¦I hated shopping. But this lady with her textured turtleneck always mesmerized me with how powerfully she presented herself. She was always so polished and prim. I never remember a Sunday where she looked like the overworked mother, or the stress ridden woman trying to keep her life together. No, she was quite the opposite. She was in complete control of her life. Years passed by, I no longer saw any of her kids. Her husband, who was quite obviously older than her, began to deteriorate. He had surgery that left him unable to walk without assistance. She was always there, guiding him, smiling at him, helping him into the car. She maintained the same calm, loving style towards him, before and after. At this point, I was quite a bit older. I understood death. I could tell just by looking at him, that his time was coming to an end; anyone could. But she paid no attention to that. She appeared older than before. Not in sense that she was dying, but she seemed like she had accomplished whatever she wanted in life. She seemed serene, they both did. It was in those last few months they had together that I saw a couple truly in love. They were happy. I’ve never seen anything like that before. I don’t think that people genuinely understand their feelings for a person until they’ve lived without him or her or they know that that time is coming. She never once showed any sadness or sorrow. She remained as caring and as gentle as ever. He did eventually pass. SheShow MoreRelatedAn Example of Descriptive Essay1001 Words   |  5 PagesDescriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example: Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. 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Therefore, this essay will examine the effect that television advertising of beauty products has on the self-esteem of women between the ages of 15-35 living in the UK with a focus on the negative effects on self-esteem across different age groups. Utilising a hypothetical quantitative dataset, descriptive statistics will be applied to analyse if there is a relationshipRead MoreName And Describe The Two Main Elements Of Point Of View Of A Descriptive Essay1463 Words   |  6 Pagescentral theme or idea about the subject to which readers can relate all the details. 6. What is Point of View? The position from which a writer approaches a subject from. 7. Name and describe the 2 main elements of Point of View in a Descriptive essay. The two main elements of Point of View in a Descriptive essay are; physical relation and psychological relation. A real of imagined physical relation to the subject: a writer could be describing the St. Louis arch by talking about how tall it is, whenRead MoreCompare And Contrast John Audubon And Annie Dillard715 Words   |  3 Pages Bird Essay 2.0 In life, there are often many different ways to experience an event depending on a person’s background and field of study. Regarding these two passages, John Audubon, a scientist, and Annie Dillard, an artisan, describe a murmuration of starlings based on their experiences. The use of their craft in the description of this phenomenon is shown through their styles of writing. While both authors use descriptive language, Audubon utilizes an exact and scientific style while DillardRead MoreComparison Essay of â€Å"An Insatiable emptiness† and â€Å"Distorted Image†1188 Words   |  5 PagesComparison Essay of â€Å"An Insatiable emptiness† and â€Å"Distorted Image† Body- image anxiety is an issue that many people struggle with nowadays. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Typography and Clarendon Free Essays

Clarendon is a classical font that was designed by Robert Besley. In 1842, Besley entered the design under Britain’s Ornamental Designs Act. It was than released in the year 1845 for the Fann Street Foundry in England. We will write a custom essay sample on Typography and Clarendon or any similar topic only for you Order Now Clarendon was named after the Clarendon Press in Oxford. It is acknowledged as the first major listed English slab-serif typeface, because Besley worked hard at trying to patent the typeface. The font patents around that time merely lasted up to three years, as soon as it became extremely well liked and a lot of foundries copied it. In 1935, the Monotype foundry revised Clarendon typeface. The first templates and major hits for Clarendon stayed at Stephenson Blake and market and then afterwards founded at the Type Museum in London. In 1953, Hermann Eidenbenz took over and reworked it. Today Clarendon has ten font names that you can use such as: Clarendon Black, Clarendon Bold, Clarendon Extra Bold, Clarendon Bold Condensed, Clarendon Condensed, Clarendon Heavy, Clarendon Light, Clarendon Medium, Clarendon Regular, and Clarendon Roman. They call it a slab-serif because it has some bracketing and some contrast in size. Clarendon was one of the final century typography to be developed. Clarendon is also a metal type and a popular wood type. It emphasizes text by being the primary design to be related bold. As an example of this it emphasizes, â€Å"WANTED† in the old west signs. Clarendon came along ways over the past years now several logotypes that are recognized in the United States of America uses this font. In 1973, the Sony logo was created and is used in Clarendon Bold Expanded. The national parks signs that are known worldwide are Clarendon font. Also People Magazine logo, Ruby Tuesday logo, Starbucks logo and so forth use the font Clarendon. Work Cited â€Å"Typedia. † : Clarendon. Media Temple, 2006-2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. http://typedia. com/explore/typeface/clarendon/. â€Å"Know Your Type: Clarendon. † Idsgn: A Design Blog. N. p. , 21 Aug. 2009. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. http://idsgn. org/posts/know-yourtypeclarendon/#comments. SONY logo Clarendon in use: People magazine logo, US National Parks signage, Ruby Tuesday logo, Starbucks Chocolate logo, Pitchfork logo, Tonka logo, U2 album cover, Riki Watanabe clock, Wells Fargo logo How to cite Typography and Clarendon, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Moby Dick Characters of Captain Ahab and Ishmael Essay Example For Students

Moby Dick Characters of Captain Ahab and Ishmael Essay Moby Dick Essays Moby Dick Characters of Captain Ahab and Ishmael The characters of captain Ahab and Ishmael are almost opposites. About the only things the two share in common are that they are both seamen and they both are on a hunt for a whale. Ishmael is a pleasing character, who plays the role of the main character as well as narrator. He is a common man who has a love for the sea, and goes to it to clear his mind whenever he feels down or feels that it is a damp, drizzly November in his soul. As for his physical appearance, he doesnt really specify. However, one might assume that he is a middle-aged man and probably holds the characteristics of the stereotypical seaman. But, what the character lacks in physical description, he makes up for with a full personality that his described extensively throughout the book. Ishmael is a man who seeks what is best described as inner peace. He is very content with himself when on the water, and has a great love for being a seaman. He joins the crew of the Pequod to satisfy his longing to be back on the ocean, but as it turns out, the particular voyage he is to set out on is not what he had suspected. For this ship would be commanded by a half-crazed captain in a desperate search for a viscous white whale. Over all, Ishmael is definitely the most civilized and wise man in the story. Captain Ahab is an overwhelmingly intimidating character in the story, and can probably be considered the most deranged of them all. His radical obsession with finding and killing the white whale known as Moby-Dick causes Ishmael and others of the crew to become frightened at his abnormal behavior. Ahabs physical appearance is best described as foreboding and evil. He is a tall man with gray hair, and is missing a leg due to a death-defying confrontation with Moby-Dick himself. His new artificial leg is made from the bone of whale and once again adds to his intimidating form. His personality is also quite mad. He has a maniacal presence about him and would risk his life and the lives of his crewmen just to fulfill his mission of demented revenge. Melville does a fine job describing this particular character with the utmost extremeness. The characters of Ishmael and Ahab are two that have a great and critical impact on the book. Ishmaels character allows the reader to relate to a love for nature and the earth, as well as a feeling of inner peace and serenity. While on the other hand, Ahabs character is one of chaos and udder madness. The two characters attitudes, thoughts, and feelings permit the reader to explore two polar opposites of the human personality. Ahabs character is critical to the story element in that without him, the reader could not really experience the insaneness of the voyage and the cruelty of the mission that they have set out to accomplish. On the other hand, without the character of Ishmael, the reader would not know how to react to Ahab, and furthermore would only be able too experience one side of the voyage. The reader would be unable to relate to Ahabs demented character, and therefore would have no one in the story to relate themselves to. Ishmaels character gives the reader someone to relate to and identify with. All in all, both characters let the reader better understand the story, and allow for an intense reading experience.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Abortion Essays (2824 words) - Sexual Revolution, United States Law

Abortion Abortion In Roe et al. v. Wade District Attorney of Dallas County (1973), one of the most controversial cases in recent history, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state laws that limit a woman's right to an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy. Justices Rehnquist and White dissented. Mr. Justice Blackmun delivered the opinion of the Court.... This Texas federal appeal and its Georgia companion, Doe v. Bolton, post, p. 179, present constitutional challenges to state criminal abortion legislation. The Texas statutes under attack here are typical of those that have been in effect in many States for approximately a century. The Georgia statutes, in contrast, have a modern cast and are a legislative product that, to an extent at least, obviously reflects the influences of recent attitudinal change, of advancing medical knowledge and techniques, and of new thinking about an old issue. We forthwith acknowledge our awareness of the sensitive and emotional nature of the abortion controversy, of the vigourous opposing views, even among physicians, and of the deep and seemingly absolute convictions that the subject inspires. One's philosophy, one's experiences, one's exposure to the raw edges of human existence, one's religious training, one's attitudes toward life and family and their values, and the moral standards one establishes and seeks to observe, are all likely to influence and to color one's thinking and conclusions about abortion.... The Texas statutes that concern us here are Arts. 1191-1194 and 1196 of the State's Penal Code. These make it a crime to "procure an abortion," as therein defined, or to attempt one, except with respect to "an abortion procured or attempted by medical advice for the purpose of saving the life of the mother." Similar statutes are in existence in a majority of the States. Texas first enacted a criminal abortion statute in 1854. Texas Laws 1854, c. 49, Sec. 1, set forth in 3 H. Gammel, Laws of Texas 1502 (1898). This was soon modified into language that has remained substantially unchanged to the present time.... Jane Roe, a single woman who was residing in Dallas County, Texas, instituted this federal action in March 1970 against the District Attorney of the county. She sought a declaratory judgment that the Texas criminal abortion statutes were unconstitutional on their face, and an injunction restraining the defendant from enforcing the statutes. Roe alleged that she was unmarried and pregnant; that she wished to terminate her pregnancy by an abortion "performed by a competent, licensed physician, under safe, clinical conditions"; that she was unable to get a "legal" abortion in Texas because her life did not appear to be threatened by the continuation of her pregnancy; and that she could not afford to travel to another jurisdiction in order to secure a legal abortion under safe conditions. She claimed that the Texas statutes were unconstitutionally vague and that they abridged her right of personal privacy, protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. By an amendment to her complaint Roe purported to sue "on behalf of herself and all other women" similarly situated.... We are next confronted with issues of justiciability, standing, and abstention. Have Roe and the Does established that "personal stake in the outcome of the controversy," Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 204 (1962), that insures that "the dispute sought to be adjudicated will be presented in an adversary context and in a form historically viewed as capable of judicial resolution,"... The usual rule in federal cases is that an actual controversy must exist at stages of appellate or certiorari review, and not simply at the date the action is initiated... But when, as here, pregnancy is a significant fact in the litigation, the normal 266-day human gestation period is so short that the pregnancy will come to term before the usual appellate process is complete. If that termination makes a case moot, pregnancy litigation seldom will survive much beyond the trial stage, and appellate review will be effectively denied. Our law should not be that rigid.... We, therefore, agree with the District Court that Jane Roe had standing to undertake this litigation, that she presented a justiciable controversy, and that the termination of her 1970 pregnancy has not rendered her case moot.... The principal thrust of appellant's attack on the Texas statutes is that they improperly invade a right, said to be possessed by the pregnant woman, to choose to terminate her pregnancy. Appellant would discover this right in the concept of personal "liberty" embodied in the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause; or in personal, marital, familial, and sexual privacy said to be protected by the Bill of Rights or its penumbras,

Monday, November 25, 2019

Propoganda in Animal Farm essays

Propoganda in Animal Farm essays Propaganda is the use of language for the spreading of ideas or information for the amelioration of a cause. It is used as a manipulative tool that transfigures ones thoughts into those planted by another, ultimately corrupting ones ability to conceive thoughts and reason properly. Throughout George Orwells novella Animal Farm, substantial evidence is given of the types of propaganda used by the pigs, the governing body of the farm. The primary propagandist is Squealer. He is Napoleons spoke person or press agent, because he has a soft, persuasive voice and large happy-looking eyes. Because of his physical attributes, he is believable and the animals invest their trust in him for answers and explanations on the status of the farm. Squealer uses his oratory skills to make the pigs appear as hard-working, Im-on-your-side individuals by the use of slogans, lying, changing history, imparting fear, and other propaganda techniques. Squealer instills fear into the animals by threatening Jones return. This is the most used type of propaganda in the story. The Seven Commandments ban animals from sleeping in beds. Later in the story, the pigs move into the farmhouse and begin sleep in the beds. The animals confront Squealer and express their concern on this matter. Squealer replies, . . . I can tell you, comrades with all the brainwork we do nowadays. You would not rob us of our repose, would you comrades? You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you wishes to see Jones come back? (Page 80). This causes so much fear in the animals that they disregard their own accounts of the ratification of the Seven Commandments, which they all witness months earlier. They figure that they would rather have the pigs sleeping in beds than have Jones come back, so they reassure Squealer on the point. Nothing is ever mentioned again about the pigs s...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Macro-Economic Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Macro-Economic Issues - Essay Example The impact would stem around profitability, efficiency, risks and leverage. At first a brief overview of the UK economy for FY 10, 11, 12 would be given and would then be followed by the effects on Imperial tobacco. Then a speculation would be made as to how Imperial tobacco would respond to these macroeconomic changes based on strategy and corporate objectives of Imperial tobacco. The growth of the UK economy seems sluggish in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The crisis had hit the UK from both eastern and western borders. This includes the housing market crash of US and the Euro Zone Debt crisis. Between 2008 and 2010, the GDP growth rate has been negative (Trading Economics, 2012) and the rate after 2010, although positive, has not been satisfactory. There is also a fear of double dip recession since the second quarter of FY 12 has experienced a GDP growth rate of -0.2 % (BBC News, 2012), the production sector has also experienced a decline of 1.4% , followed by a fall in co nstruction output of 0.5 % and compensation of employees by 0.3%. Now coming to the fiscal statistics, the National debt to GDP ratio stands at 80 %, the budget deficit has been reduced and increased VAT yield show signs of fiscal tightening. Interest rates are an all time low and despite of this bank lending to small businesses is falling. Low interest rates and increasing current account deficits are also putting pressure on the British Pound. A falling pound would hurt distributors country wide since import costs would rise as they would have to pay more in terms of the domestic currency. Unemployment hovers around 8.4 % and no signs of improvement are expected. Consumer confidence shows no signs of improvement despite yearly increases in current expenditure (The Economist, 2012). In addition to, UK has seen some major structural changes over the years, of which the most notable is the ageing population. Ageing population refers to a rise in the average age of the population of a country over time. So it is unlikely that the market for UK would continue to grow. In addition to, this has the impact of increasing wage levels across the economy as Labor supply reduces in the long run. Apart from these macroeconomic issues, the tobacco industry has been subjected to severe regulatory policies around the world which include: Increased duties year on year Ban on cigarette advertising Ban on smoking in public places Allegations of illicit trade Plans to introduce plain packaging All these regulations tend to have a negative impact on tobacco industry, with the exception of the levying of excise duties which would be discussed later on. Imperial tobacco seems to be quite resistant to macroeconomic changes. The risks that currently pose threat to Imperial tobacco plc are interest rate risks and exchange rate risks. Interest rate risks accommodate the financing and profitability of the company since Imperial Group plc has a high Debt to Equity ratio and raises a larg e amount of capital from debt capital and Bank loan markets. Now if the bank fail to meet their obligations of refinancing the debt then it would definitely limit the ability to capitalize on global opportunities and mitigate threats. Movement in interest rates can also affect the credit rating of Imperial tobacco and reduce its profitability because of increased finance costs.To reduce these risks Imperial employs various hedging strategies and has invested some of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment Essay

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment - Essay Example Cultural diversity refers to people belonging to diverse cultures working in one organisation, which is rampant in Singapore because of its history of immigrants and also due to its growing economic prospects. The present discourse focuses on the way Singapore manages its cultural diversity. The topic explores various governmental initiatives as well as organisational policies towards diversity management in this region. During the process, a critical view of the policies and practices and their impact on other aspects of organisational performance would be placed to assess the effectiveness of the policies and practices. Moreover, possible recommendations to tackle these challenges would be suggested based on organisational practices. 2. Background: While the effects of globalization have been so profound that all organisations have to adapt to the changes, diversity is one of the strategies adopted for sustainability and performance. This reflects in their policies and practices wi th respect to human resources management. Though the western countries adopted this route much earlier, it is relatively newer concept in most of the Eastern nations (Mor-Barack, 2005). This does not mean that the Eastern nations did not employ people from different cultures and ethnic groups; but just that the organisations have started adopting policies and practices to encourage and, to an extent, suit multicultural and diverse populations during last few decades. The most important requirement for managing diversity comes from equal rights act and policies congruent with this act, which create favourable social, legal and organisational environment to all groups of people. Secondly, organisational policies and practices that encourage and support diversified workforce. 3. Rationale: Globalization has provided extraordinary benefits to organisations, which has enticed many organisations to enter the global market. This has further increased the numbers of people from different ba ckgrounds, cultures, races and ethnic groups to work together at different locations. On the other hand, organisations in some sectors are known to have moved to other places in order to flourish because the legislation there was more conducive to their strategies; for example, Singapore has relaxed legislation related to bioresearch, unlike in the Western countries. Many Western bioresearch organisations shifted their base to Singapore (Huat, 2011). Much before such movements, Singapore is known for cultural diversity because it was established because of immigrants from different parts of the world, which created a plural and highly diverse and ethnic society (Chen-Tung, Ong & Chen, 1980). With such high cultural diversity, Singapore is one of the most advanced and flourished nations in the Asia-Pacific region. Many reasons make Singapore as the focus of discussion related to management of cultural diversity in organisations. The immense industrial growth in Singapore suggests tha t workplace diversity, specifically cultural diversity, is being managed effectively; this fact is further reinforced by the immense movement that is continuing, and potential that still exists in this part of the world. Secondly, Singapore hosts a variety of cultural mix, which makes it even more difficult for diversity management for organisations if they have to cater to the cultural differences of all groups that are a part of them. At least these two critical reasons are enough to explore

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critically explore the claim of an increasingly individualized Essay

Critically explore the claim of an increasingly individualized employment relationship - Essay Example 91). Generally, psychological contract is presumed to be an implicit understanding of mutual obligations which is owned by employees, employer, and employing organisation. Psychological contract is also associated with legal and formal employment contract that define the formal responsibilities, duties, and obligation of the employee and the employer in the employment relationship. As elucidated in the psychological contract concept in an organisation, employer-employee relationship ought to have a mutual reciprocal exchange which strengthens the relationship. In most cases, employees are satisfied when there are greater differences between their contribution in the organisation and the inducement offered by the organisation. From the organisation perspective, employees’ contribution ought to be sufficient to attract more inducement from the organisation. Employees’ commitments should also be adequate to elicit employees’ contribution. Some scholars emphasise tha t employees could advance their performance if the organisation does not interfere too much with the employees’ norms. However, to facilitate mutual interaction in the work environment, employees should respect the rights of the organisation as well as the set ethical conducts. Individualised employment has in the recent past turned out to be a universal state of affair in a large number of local and multinational organisations. This ever-increasing occurrence can be attributed to several internal and external factors. To some extent, scholars and researchers have concurred with the notion that the concept of psychological contract has a significant role in the contemporary individualised employment relationship. However, there are some scholars who are passionately against the idea. To understand how employment relationship is individualised by psychological contract, the essay below will critically explore the claim that the concept of psychological contract is the manifest ation of increasingly individualised employment relationship. In the contemporary economy, psychological contract can be presumed to be an individual belief on the existence of a mutual obligation between the employee and the employer. The mutual obligations which exist between the employee and the employer are brought about by the perception that, any promise that has been made either implicitly or explicitly should be respected. As a result, the fulfilment of promissory obligation by one side is contingent which helps to define the fulfilment of the other party’s obligation. Psychological contract is assumed to comprise employees’ perceptions on the mutual obligation present in the agreement between the employer and the employee. Moreover, mutual obligations that prevail between contemporary employees and employers are to a great extent sustained through the reciprocity norm. The reciprocity norm that exist between the employer and employees therefore results into in dividualised employment relationship Psychological contract is presumed to be shaped by the implications of promise verse needs. Based on the fact that expectation is as a result of needs, the level in which each part can influence these needs is constrained. As a result, the critical element in modern development is the extent in which each part

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact of Human Resources Management

Impact of Human Resources Management Robert Proctor Introduction The purpose of this paper is to answer questions about the Human Resource Managers impact during organizational changes or challenges and two questions about my experience with change and challenge with the support of the Human Resource Management of my organization the Navy Personnel Support Detachment (PSD). What are the competencies of a Human Resource Manager? One writer defines Human Resources competencies skills sets as intrinsic characteristics which exhibit themselves through ones personal traits, habits, motives, social roles, and self-image. All these attributes enable a person to deliver excellence in performance in any given job, role, or situation (Darvish, Moogali, Moosavi, Panahi, 2012). Snell and Bohlander categorizes these competencies into mastery sets called: business mastery, human mastery and personal credibility (Snell Bohlander, 2012). In my opinion, I see the position of the Human Resources Manager as being that of a middleman in any organization who is tasked with providing the human touch within the organization. As the writer states above, they are the branch of any organization that must operate at the highest level of proficiency in all areas. The Human Resources Management department of my organization (Department of the Air Force) in my experience is a group of people who one can rely on to have answers to a sundry array of issues personally and professionally. I have heard from others of their experiences with HR departments, in their organization, which resulted in less than the standard manner of excellence that one would expect. How a change/challenged was introduced in my organization? The scope of operations for the unit I am assigned to which is the San Antonio Navy Personnel Detachment is to provide administrative and financial services for staff and student military personnel stationed at Joint-Base San Antonio (Fort Sam, Lackland AFB, and Randolph AFB) and the surrounding reserve unit and recruiting commands that are in and around San Antonio and as far north as Austin, Texas. The Department of the Navy Human Resources branch recently conducted a work survey of various personnel support detachment. My unit was involved in that survey. Because of that survey, there was a worldwide operational reconfiguration plan implemented for the realignment of all Navy Personnel Support Detachments. The purpose of this reconfiguration was to consolidate the detachments due to an implementation of an e-resource which took away many of their tasks when it allowed sailor level self-service for many of their administrative and personnel services. This resulted in a need for reduction and an overhaul the current support detachments configuration. This reduction in support detachments was accomplished through consolidation by realignment of support detachments. Because of that change, our unit became the command center for two outlining units (Houston and Corpus Christi). What this meant to us is the demographics of our customer base not only increased in sizes but the complexities of administrative action we would conduct changed as well. Typically, our standard client is enlisted initial entry and retiring Navy personnel. What is the appropriate HR Manager response to for this change/challenge? The HR Department has approached this change from a proactive perspective. We were provided numerous briefings at least 12 months prior to the changed in the configuration that kept everyone informed of the event and provided enough space to answer any concerns as the project moved forward. Once the change began and during the hand-off phase, we were kept in the loop at the leave where the change would affect us the most. Due to the proximity of the units, we inherited the leadership team at the local level began to operate in a flexible fashion that is partly reactive and partly proactive. This flexibility allows the leadership team the opportunity to identify any faults in their operating process to help them better integrate with the command. If they have not accomplished this step yet, I believe Navy HR Department and the local Leadership staff should have an action plan in place that outlines appropriate training requirements that ensure everyone is operating from the same stand ards. Was the involvement of the Human Resources Management beneficial with this change? Overall, the change has progressed fairly smoothly. Though there have been a few miscues along the way, I see the process going forth as efficiently and professionally as it can be done. The leadership has visited the outlining units frequently. And as we receive work from these units, many of the clerks at the command level are noticing a decrease in errors and issues. I believe much of the success in this transition is due in part to the oversight of the Department of the Navy HR department who continue to facilitate the change to ensure the changeover results in a seamless and disruption-free transition. Conclusion The purpose of this paper was to answer questions about the Human Resource Managers impact during organizational changes or challenges and two questions about my experience with change and challenge with the support of the Human Resource Management of my organization the Navy Personnel Support Detachment (PSD). References Darvish, H., Moogali, A., Moosavi , M., Panahi, B. (2012, September 30). Survey relationship between human resources roles and human resources competencies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(9), 8. Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com.uiwtx.idm.oclc.org/hottopics/lnacademic/?verb=srcsi=400870sr=HEADLINE(Survey+Relationship+between+Human+Resources+Roles+and+Human+Resources+Competencies)%2BAND%2BDATE%2BIS%2B2012 Snell, S. A., Bohlander, G. W. (2012). Managing human resources (29th ed.). [VitalSource Books]. Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com/

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hamlet †its Universality :: The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays

Hamlet – its Universality  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   What secrets of dramatic genius underpin the universal acceptance of Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet so long after its composition?    Harold Bloom in the Introduction to Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet explains one very solid basis for the universal appeal of this drama -- the popular innovation in characterization made by the Bard:    Before Shakespeare, representations in literature may change as they speak, but they do not change because of what they say. Shakespearean representation turns upon his persons listening to themselves simultaneously with our listening, and learning and changing even as we learn and change. Falstaff delights himself as much as he delights us, and Hamlet modifies himself by studying his own modifications. Ever since, Falstaff has been the inescapable model for nearly all wit, and Hamlet the paradigm for all introspection. (3)    Another feature of the play is that the Bard presents characters which are lifelike and with whom the audience can identify. William Hazlitt comments in â€Å"Characters of Shakespear's Plays† on Prince Hamlet: It is we who are Hamlet.[. . .] he who has felt his mind sink within him, and sadness cling to his heart like a malady, who has had his hopes blighted and his youth staggered by the apparitions of strange things; who cannot well be at ease, while he sees evil hovering near him like a spectre; whose powers of action have been eaten up by thought, he to whom the universe seems infinite, and himself nothing; whose bitterness of soul makes him careless of consequences [. . .] -- this is the true Hamlet. (74-75)    Brian Wilkie and James Hurt in Literature of the Western World conclude that the Bard’s â€Å"sharply etched characters,† representing universal types, are the secret of his amazingly broad appeal (2155-56). The â€Å"sharply etched characters† involve a heterogeneity. Harry Levin in the General Introduction to The Riverside Shakespeare explains:      Universal as his attraction has been, it is best understood through particulars.[. . .] The book-learning that Shakespeare displays here and there is far less impressive, in the long run, than his fund of general information. His frame of reference is so far-ranging, and he is so concretely versed in the tricks of so many trades, that lawyers have written to prove he was trained in the law, sailors about his expert seamanship, naturalists upon his botanizing, and so on throughout the professions.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Emma by Jane Austen Essay

Lionel Trilling’s essay on Emma begins with the starling observation that in the case of Jane Austen, â€Å"the opinions which are held of her work are almost as interesting and almost as important to think about, as the work itself† (47). The comment is especially surprising in view of the essay’s origin as an introduction to the Riverside edition of Emma: rather than take readers straight into the novel, Trilling ponders the impossibility of approaching it in simple literary innocence, because of the powerful feeling generated by the name Jane Austen. Almost half a century later, opinions of Austen have multiplied as fresh issues have arisen to divert and divide subsequent generations of readers. Literature Review Austen’s skill in writing lies in her ability to describe the life of her characters and their surroundings in great detail – she is able to write of the world in microcosm. It is a feature of her style that there are few references to people or events outside the village in which her stories are set. This reflects the lifestyle of the day when transport was difficult and communication limited. Austen often writes about marriage and, in particular, the position of women in marriage. Genteel women did not work and they rarely acquired their own money through marriage or inheritance. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it was expected that marriage was for life. Austen’s gentle and leisurely style reflects the society she often describes – a society in which walking out for a minor shopping excursion was a major highlight. Austen skillfully uses these events to explore the values of society in a satirical way. There are a number of ways in which Austen communicates with her audience. The majority of her work is written in third-person narrative, with the narrator seeing the story from all perspectives. This is also known as the omniscient narrator. She also reveals her views through the intrusive narrator, or through her characters’ dialogue. At other times her characters will unintentionally condemn themselves through their own dialogue. It is in these situations particularly that the reader experiences some of the best Austen’s satire. The majority of dialogue in Emma comes from the female characters of the text, in particular Emma. This is an important feature of Jane Austen’s style as she is more comfortable with the speech of women than men. The women are the chatterers, full or small talk, while some of the men, especially the hero, Mr Knightley, are people of few words and discuss more serious matters. Modern readers may find many of the attitudes and customs of Emma surprising or, at times, unbelievable. The novel does, however, accurately reflect the nature of English society during the early nineteenth century. Although Austen reflects the values of nineteenth-century. England, she does not always agree with these values. It is her depiction and evaluation of this society that presents us with the subtle satire that is part of her charm and success. The Irony of Emma The American critic Marvin Mudrick followed both Harding and Wilson in his views of Austen as a subversive writer. He argued that irony was her means of defense and discovery and, like Wilson; he found intimation of lesbian desire in Emma’s infatuation with Harriet. Mudrick suggests that Emma is an unpleasant heroine who is incapable of committing herself humanity. He contentiously argues that Emma’s supposed reformation is the ultimate irony of a novel that is steeped in irony (Mudrick 181). The irony of Emma is multiple and ultimate aspect is that there is no happy ending. Emma observes Harriet’s beauty with far more warmth than anyone else, she was so busy in admiring chose soft blue eyes, in talking and listening, and forming all these schemes in the in-between that the evening flew away at a very unusual rate. The irony of Emma is multiple; and its ultimate aspect is that there is no happy ending, easy equilibrium, if we care to project confirmed exploiters like Emma and Churchill into the future of their marriages. â€Å"The influential American critic Lionel Trilling gives a ‘liberal humanist’ reading of Emma which bears some resemblances to Leavis’s moral criticism, albeit in a more relaxed and urbane tone: ‘To prevent the possibility of controlling the personal life, of becoming acquainted with ourselves, of creating a community of â€Å"intelligent love† – this is indeed to make an extraordinary promise and to hold out a rare. ’ Trilling sees the novel as a pastoral ‘idyll’ to be considered apart from the real world, with Mr. Woodhouse and Miss Bates as ‘Holy fools’. But paradoxically, he argues that this most English of novels is touched by national feeling’. Emma’s gravest error is to separate Harriet Smith from Robert Martin, ‘a mistake of nothing less of national import’. Some of Trinlling’s assumptions are distinctive of his age and class (liberal, well-to-do Manhattan intellectual life of the immediate post-war era) – the extract begins with an assumption that many later twentieth-century critics would regard as cringingly sexist – but his good judgment and intelligence as a reader, together with his unbending commitment to the serious importance of literature – shine through† ( 31). The extraordinary thing about Emma is that she has a moral life as a man has a moral life. And she doesn’t have it as a special instance, as an example of a new kind of woman, which is the way George Eliot’s Dorothea Brooke has her moral life, but quite as a matter of course, as a given quality of her nature. Inevitably we are drawn to Emma. But inevitably we hold her to be deeply at fault. Her self-love leads her to be a self-deceiver. She can be unkind. She is a dreadful snob. â€Å"Mark Schorer considers the novel by closely analyzing its verbal and linguistic patterns. He argues that Austen’s language is steeped in metaphors drawn from ‘commerce and property’, and that she depicts a world of ‘peculiarly material values’, which is ironically juxtaposed with her depiction of ‘moral propriety’. Austen’s ‘moral realism’ is concerned with the adjustments made between material and moral values. Emma must drop in the social scale to rise in the moral scale. Schorer’s contention that Emma must be punished and humiliated has been condemned by later feminist critics as representative of the ‘Girl being taught a lesson’ mode of Austenian criticism. †(98) Jane Austen’s Emma, 1816, stands at the head of her achievements, and, even though she herself spoke of Emma as ‘a heroine whom no one but me will much like’, discriminating readers have thought the novel her greatest. Her powers here are at their fullest, her control at its most certain. As with most of her novels, it has a double theme, but in no other has the structure been raised so skillfully upon it. No novel shows more clearly Jane Austen’s power to take the moral measurement of the society with which she was concerned through the range of her characters. The author must, then, choose whether to purchase mystery at the expense of irony. The reliable narrator and the norms of Emma If mere intellectual clarity about Emma were the goal in this work, we should be forced to say that the manipulation of inside views and the extensive commentary of the reliable Knightley are more than is necessary. But for maximum intensity of the comedy and romance, even these are not enough. The ‘author herself’ – not necessarily the real Jane Austen but an implied author, represented in this book by a reliable narrator – heightens the effects by directing our intellectual, moral, and emotional progress. But her most important role is to reinforce both aspects of the double vision that operates throughout the book: our inside view of Emma’s worth and our objective view of her great faults. The real evils of Emma’s situation were the power of having rather too much her own way, and a disposition to think a little too well of herself; these were the disadvantages which threatened alloy to her many enjoyments. The danger, however, was at present so unperceived; that they did not by any means rank as misfortunes with her. ’ â€Å"Duckworth’s influential book sets Austen in her historical context. In his chapter ‘Emma and the Dangers of Individualism’, he aligns Emma with that other dangerous innovator Frank Churchill. Duckworth employs binary oppositions of define Austen’s social values: conservative stability (represented by Mr Knightley) is contrasted with radical innovation (represented by Frank Churchill). The ‘open syntax of manners and morals’ is set against the ‘concealment and opacity’ of games† (79). With Churchill’s entrance, Emma is no longer the puppet-mistress of Highbury but instead becomes a marionette in Churchill’s more subtle show. Churchill’s game-playing is not to be dismissed as venial. It is symptomatic of a world in which once given certitudes of conduct is giving way to shifting standards and subjective orderings. â€Å"Marilyn Butler presents Austen as an anti-Jacobin novelist, a propagandist of conservative ideology. Butler’s study showed how the highly politicized decade of the 1790s saw a flood of novels (often by women) that were engaged in the post-revolutionary ‘war of ideas’. Butler sets Austen’s novels firmly in the camp of the anti-feminist, traditionalist ‘domestic’ novels of Mary Brunton and Jane West as opposed to those associated with reformist writers such as Mary Hays and Mary Wollstonecraft. Accordingly to this argument, in Emma Austen shows her preference for rationality and inherited moral systems over imagination and individual choice. Emma is brought to recognition of her social duty† (74). The plot to which the language harmoniously relates is the classic plot of the conservative novel. Essentially, a young protagonist is poised at the outset of life, with two missions to perform: to survey society, distinguishing the true values from the false; and, in the light of this new knowledge of ‘reality’, to school what is selfish, immature, or fallible in her. Where a heroine is concerned rather than a hero, the social range is inevitably narrower, though often the personal moral lessons appear compensatingly more acute. Nevertheless the heroine’s classic task, of choosing a husband, takes her out of any unduly narrow or solipsistic concern with her own happiness. What she is about includes a criticism of what values her class is to live by, the men as well as the women. The novel with a fallible heroine by its nature places more emphasis on the action than the novel with an exemplary heroine. But Emma is an exceptionally active novel. The point is established first of all in the character of the heroine: Emma is healthy, vigorous, and almost aggressive. She is the real ruler of the household at Harfield – in her domestic ascendancy she is unique among Jane Austen’s heroines. She is also the only one who is the natural feminine leader of her whole community. The final irony is that this most verbal of novels at last pronounces words themselves to be suspect. It has been called the first and one of the greatest of psychological novels. If so, it resembles no other, for its attitude to the workings of Emma’s consciousness is steadily critical. Although so much of the action takes place in the inner life, the theme of the novel is skepticism about the qualities that make it up – intuition, imagination, and original insight. Emma matures by submitting her imaginings to common sense, and to the evidence. Her intelligence is certainly not seen as a fault, but her failure to question it is†¦ Easily the most brilliant novel of the period, and one of the most brilliant of all English novels, it masters the subjective insights which help to make the nineteenth-century novel what it is, and denies them validity. Julia Prewitt Brown presents a compelling view of Highbury: far from being static and hierarchical, it more closely resembles a road-map of people, ‘a system of interdependence, a community of people all talking to one another; affecting and changing one another: a collection of relationships’. Brown takes issue with the Marxist critic Arnold Kettle. For Brown, the novel is seen not from the perspective of ‘frozen class division but from a perspective of living change’. Miss Bates is singled out as a crucial member of society in that she links together all the disparate ranks. Social co-operations and community are vital for protecting vulnerable single women. To ensure the harmony of the community of Highbury, ‘the life of the individual must be coordinated internally before it can function externally’ (88). Just as the structure of Emma is not causal, it is also not hierarchical. Were we to draw a picture of the novel, it would not, I believe, bring before the reader the ladder of social and moral being that Graham Hough assigns. It would look more like a road map in which the cites and towns, joined together by countless highways and byroads, stood for people. As the image of a road map suggests, Highbury is a system of interdependence, a community of people all talking to one another, affecting, and changing one another: a collection of relationships. Emma is seen as daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, companion, intimate friend, new acquaintance, patroness, and bride. And each connection lets us see something new in her. Jane Nardin exmines the plight of the genteel, well-educated and accomplished heroine, whose major problem is that she has too much time on her hands. Emma interferes in the lives of others because she is bored, and has no outlet for her imagination. In contrast to Mr Knightley, who involves himself with those around him, Emma leads a life of isolation and even idleness. Marriage is Emma’s salvation because ‘as Knightley’s wife, she will enter his life of activity and involvement’ (22). Emma Woodhouse sees herself as the typical eighteenth-century heroine who uses her leisure to become an admirable, accomplished, exemplary woman, and who never suffers a moment’s ennui for lack of something to do. She plays, she sings, she draws in a variety of styles, she is vain of her literary attainments and general information, she does not the honours of her father’s house with style, and confers charitable favours on a variety of recipients – in her own eyes, in fact, she is a veritable Clarissa. But Emma’s claims to Clarissahood are hollow. Blessed – or cursed – with money, status, a foolish father and a pliant, though intelligent, governess, Emma has earned admiration too easily. A harsh view of Austen’s politics emerges from David Aers, who applies a Marxist analysis to Emma. Austen’s idealization of the agrarian, capitalist Mr Knightley nad her dismissive treatment of the disenfranchised, such as ‘the poor’, the gypsies, and even Jane Fairfax, typify her bourgeois ideology. Emma’s visit to ‘the poor’ in particular is viewed as an indication of Austen’s own capitalist values, though it should be remembered that Emma’s views are not necessarily Jane Austen’s especially as her irony is so often directed against her heroine (36). Yet while Mr Knightley is certainly Jane Austen’s standard of male excellence (without being infallible), she does present him as an agrarian capitalist, not as some kind of pseudo-feudal magnate. He is prospering well, like his capitalist tenant, Robert Martin, and yet despite his relatively modest lifestyle we are told that he has ‘little spare money’.. As a Marxist, James Thompson believes that Ausen’s novels are time-bound and historical and enact the bourgeois ideology of the period. He analyses the complexities and contradictions between the language of (public) social obligation and the ‘feeling’ of (private) individual interiority in Emma. The individual’s sense of ‘alienation’ in capitalist society turns within for ‘true authenticity’. Thompson focuses on Austen’s treatment of marriage in Emma, as a union promising ‘true intimacy’ against the threat of loneliness and solipsism (159). In contrast to Gilbert and Gubar, Claudia Johnson shows how Austen corroborates her faith in the fitness of Emma’s rule. By inviting us to consider the contrast between the rule of Emma and that of Mrs Elton. Austen is able to ‘explore positive versions of female power’: ‘Considering the contrast between Emma and Mrs Elton can enable us to distinguish the use of social position from the abuse of it’. The novel concludes not with an endorsement of patriarchy, but with a marriage between equals. Furthermore, this is shown in the ‘extraordinary’ ending which sees Knightley giving up his own home to share Emma’s and thus giving his ‘blessing to her rule’(43). In stunning contrast with Mansfield Park, where husbands dominate their households with as little judiciousness as decency, in Emma woman does reign alone. Indeed, with the exception of Knightley, all of the people in control are women. In moving to Hartfield, Knightley is sharing her home, and in placing himself within her domain, Knightley gives his blessing to her rule. â€Å"Jane Austen has been seen as a novelist who avoids the physical. John Wiltshire shows the importance of bodies in her text, and Austen’s emphasis on health and illness in Emma. Wiltshire draws upon medical and feminist theories of the body† (54-56). Through its comfortable concern with its denizens’ well-being, the novel poses series of important questions, I suggest, about the nature of health, which are put more insistently through its gallery of sufferers from so-called ‘nervous’ disorders, Not only does Isabella Knightley, as might be expected, complain of ‘those little nervous head-aches and palpitations which I am never entirely free from any where’, but even placid Harrier, even Mrs Weston, let alone Jane Fairfax, suffer from, or complain of these symptoms called ‘nerves’. But the two grand embodiments of the nervous constitution in Emma are Mr Woodhouse and Mrs Churchill and they preside, one way or another, over the novel’s action.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

16 Fascinating Facts About Mosquitoes

16 Fascinating Facts About Mosquitoes Mosquitoes, the insects that are universally hated the world over. These pesky, disease-carrying pests make a living by sucking the blood out of just about anything that moves, including us. But take a moment to look at things from the mosquitos perspective. Mosquitoes are actually interesting  creatures. Mosquitoes Are the Deadliest Animals on Earth Take that, shark week! More deaths are associated with mosquitoes than any other animal on the planet. Mosquitoes may carry any number of deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika, and encephalitis. Mosquitoes also carry heartworm, which can be lethal to your dog. How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? An adult mosquito may live 5–6 months. Few probably make it that long, given our tendency to slap them silly when they land on us. But in the right circumstances, an adult mosquito has quite a long life expectancy, as bugs go. Most adult females live for two to three weeks. For those that winter in your garage, though- look out. Eggs can dry out for eight months and still hatch. Females Bite Humans While Males Feed on Nectar Mosquitoes mean nothing personal when they take your blood. Female mosquitoes need protein for their eggs and must take a blood meal in order to reproduce. Because males dont bear the burden of producing young, theyll avoid you completely and head for the flowers instead. When not trying to produce eggs, females are happy to stick to nectar, too. Some Mosquitoes Avoid Biting Humans Not all mosquito species feed on people. Some mosquitoes specialize on other animals and are no bother to us at all. Culiseta melanura, for example, bites birds almost exclusively and rarely bites humans. Another mosquito species,  Uranotaenia sapphirina, is known to feed on reptiles and amphibians. Mosquitoes Fly Slowly Mosquitoes average a flight speed of 1 to 1.5 miles per hour. If a race were held between all the flying insects, nearly every other contestant would beat the pokey mosquito. Butterflies, locusts, and honeybees would all finish well ahead of the skeeter. A Mosquito's Wings Beat 300–600 Times Per Second This would explain that irritating buzzing sound you hear just before a mosquito lands on you and bites. Mosquitoes Synchronize Their Wing Beats Scientists once thought that only male mosquitoes could hear the wing beats of their potential mates, but recent research on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes proved females listen for lovers, too. When the male and female meet, their buzzing synchronizes to the same speed. Salt Marsh Mosquitoes May Live100 Miles Away Most mosquitoes emerge from their watery breeding ground and stay pretty close to home. But some, like the salt marsh mosquitoes, will fly long distances to find a suitable place to live, with all the nectar and blood they could want to drink. All Mosquitoes Need Water to Breed- but Not Much Just a few inches of water is all it takes for a female to deposit her eggs. Tiny mosquito larvae develop quickly in birdbaths, roof gutters, and old tires dumped in vacant lots. Some species can breed in puddles left after a rainstorm. If you want to keep mosquitoes under control around your home, you need to be vigilant about dumping any standing water every few days. Most Mosquitoes Can Travel Only 2–3 Miles Your mosquitoes are basically your (and your neighbors) problem. Some varieties, like the Asian tiger mosquito, can fly only about 100 yards. Mosquitoes Detect CO2 75 Feet Away Carbon dioxide, which humans and other animals produce, is the key signal to mosquitoes that a potential blood meal is near. Theyve developed a keen sensitivity to CO2 in the air. Once a female senses CO2 in the vicinity, she flies back and forth through the CO2 plume until she locates her victim. Bug Zappers Don't Attract Mosquitoes Bug zappers give off light that attracts gnats, beetles, moths, and the like, but because mosquitoes are attracted to you by CO2, they are not effective at killing mosquitoes. They likely kill more beneficial insects and those eaten by songbirds than mosquitoes. They even take out parasitic wasps, which control other species. How Do You Kill Mosquitoes? Fogger machines that attract mosquitoes with CO2 and then trap them do work, but repellants for your yard and self may be the easiest and most cost-effective way to go. Why Do Mosquitoes Exist? Basically, mosquitoes exist because theyre next to impossible to wipe out. Species dont exist in a vacuum; as long as they can find food and dont have environmental pressure against them, theyll continue. Mosquitoes are millions of years old as a species. In the ecosystem, they do serve as food for other species (birds, frogs, and fish) and as pollinators. The larvae eat detritus in the water, helping to clean it. There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, but only about 200 bite humans. Not Everyone Is Allergic to Mosquito Saliva Mosquito saliva, which lubricates the proboscis to glide into the skin, is responsible for the itching and bump on your skin, but not everyone is allergic to mosquito saliva. Some people even avoid getting bitten, and their sweat is being studied to develop repellents. Mosquitoes Have Benefitted Science The design of their proboscis has inspired scientists to design less-painful hypodermic needles, examine strategies to make needle insertion easier, and create insertion guides to better place tiny electrodes into the brain.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Illegal Migrant Labor In The United States

Illegal Migrant Labor in the United States They stand on corners early in the morning waiting to be picked up. They’re not prostitutes and they’re not criminals but rather the are ordinary people who come to this country from all over the globe in search of work. They’re Mexican , Haitian, Salvadoran, and various other ethnic groups who have left their countries for a variety of reasons. Some are just looking to make some money while others have left in order to escape poor and often times repressive conditions in their home countries. These people see America as a land of opportunity but these opportunities are not easy to find and when do find them they’re often times grueling tasks that no American is willing to perform. Through my extensive search I found two articles that caught my attention. The first was from the November 10th New York Times Magazine. It covered different aspects of illegal migrant labor including, working conditions and treatment from employers as well as Americans in general. In the article was a lengthy description on the plight of illegal Mexican laborers in Long Island. In one particular instance workers were attacked by the local population primarily because of racial prejudice (most of the workers are Latinos while the town is mostly white). There were also narratives of the daunting tasks the workers perform for very little money. The second article was from the front page of New York Times and talked about the scandal at a Tyson Foods meat packing plant , which involved the smuggling of workers from Mexico all the way to Kentucky to work at the plant. The plant managers did this in order to save costs but their scheme was uncovered when one of the workers notified the police. The primary reason why people hire illegal migrant laborers is they’re a source of cheap labor. Every year landscapers, far... Free Essays on Illegal Migrant Labor In The United States Free Essays on Illegal Migrant Labor In The United States Illegal Migrant Labor in the United States They stand on corners early in the morning waiting to be picked up. They’re not prostitutes and they’re not criminals but rather the are ordinary people who come to this country from all over the globe in search of work. They’re Mexican , Haitian, Salvadoran, and various other ethnic groups who have left their countries for a variety of reasons. Some are just looking to make some money while others have left in order to escape poor and often times repressive conditions in their home countries. These people see America as a land of opportunity but these opportunities are not easy to find and when do find them they’re often times grueling tasks that no American is willing to perform. Through my extensive search I found two articles that caught my attention. The first was from the November 10th New York Times Magazine. It covered different aspects of illegal migrant labor including, working conditions and treatment from employers as well as Americans in general. In the article was a lengthy description on the plight of illegal Mexican laborers in Long Island. In one particular instance workers were attacked by the local population primarily because of racial prejudice (most of the workers are Latinos while the town is mostly white). There were also narratives of the daunting tasks the workers perform for very little money. The second article was from the front page of New York Times and talked about the scandal at a Tyson Foods meat packing plant , which involved the smuggling of workers from Mexico all the way to Kentucky to work at the plant. The plant managers did this in order to save costs but their scheme was uncovered when one of the workers notified the police. The primary reason why people hire illegal migrant laborers is they’re a source of cheap labor. Every year landscapers, far...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Computer-Based Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Computer-Based Crimes - Essay Example The misuse of the computer may involve the falsification of computer signatures through unauthorized codes; the creation of false bank accounts; theft of personal information and misuse of the stolen information; the virus infection created on computers that can hamper the proper software operations and damage records. In the theft of personal information, victims may not even be aware of the crime perpetration until a very considerable damage on their assets, credit card, and societal status have already been inflicted. Criminals may use programs that would remove any evidence of the committed crime. Today, the biggest crime created through computer use is the electronic financial account transfer. Intellectual challenge is the most significant reason for creating computer crimes. Computer hackers commit such crimes for financial reasons and for personal motives, such as anger or revenge (Computer-Based Crime, 2011). Identity Theft To date, identity theft has the fastest growing cri me rate in America. Identity theft is the pilfering and illegal use of private information from an unsuspecting individual to access personal financial accounts. The targeted personal data include a victim’s address, birth date, telephone number, social security number (SSN), bank account number, credit card number, or other valuable identification records to be used for the thief’s economic gain. Criminals use this information in opening new credit and depository accounts, applying for home or car loans, leasing homes, apartments or vehicles (Brody, Mulig & Kimball, 2007) applying for benefits, or filing fake tax returns (Palmer, 2006). In worst cases, perpetrators use the obtained private information to take over the victim’s identity, create enormous debts, or use in a criminal activity under the victim’s name. In businesses, criminals pilfer their financial accounts, confidential access codes of their computer systems, or restricted records of workers . In phishing scams, thieves of company identities carefully pick businesses that may seem appealing to their prospective victims. Banks and prestigious businesses, and the most visited sites, such as the eBay and PayPal are the favorite targets of identity thieves (Brody, Mulig & Kimball, 2007). The electronic exposure of private information in a majority of business deals attracts the interest of identity thieves. Thieves gain access to private information given out by credit card holders when purchasing goods online; using cards in restaurants and gasoline stations; or when withdrawing cash in ATM outlets. In 2005, there were reported incidences of around 10 million identity theft cases, equivalent to 4.6 percent of the U.S. annual population (How Many Identity Theft Victims Are There? What is the Impact on Victims?, 2006). Reports taken from the Chief Securities Officer (CSO) Perspectives Conference confirmed 53 million identity theft cases to date and a further 19,000 cases eac h day. On the average, a victim loses $40,000 to $92,000 per incident (Friedenberg, 2006). The American consumer group loses roughly $5billion per year, while U.S. businesses and banking institutions lose around $47.6 billion per year (How Many Identity Theft Victims Are There? What is the Impact on Victims?, 2006). Since hacking started in the middle of the 1990s, attacks have dramatically increased. Computer hacking attacks are now more supported and financed by big-time syndicates. Moreover,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Business Proposal (The Genius Junior) Essay

The Business Proposal (The Genius Junior) - Essay Example The Genius Junior is a small firm that operates as an education mediator that mediates between the education institutes in UK and the Saudi students who wish to study in the UK. The goal of the company is to extend support to students who are keen on studying in UK and get cultural exposure and make profits at the same time through a stipulated commission from the institutes that the students get enrolled in. The company started its operations at a small scale with just the owners getting successful associations with institutes and signing contracts to make a commission of 20-25% on every enrolled student. The first year of operation saw decent returns on investment and all stakeholders were keen at getting associated with the company for the future feasibility of the project. Several theories and researches explain that it’s easier to penetrate a market that has some competition than the one that is entirely new for any product or services in terms of exploration. There will certainly be enough takers of a service that boasts of future nurturing and better career prospects. The most unique thing about this service being provided to students of Saudi Arab is that they or their parents do not have to struggle and run to and fro in trying to meet the formalities. In order to find out the interests, preferences, and influential factors of the target market, i.e. children in the age group of 14-25 years, an extensive market research will be conducted. The ideas generated from this market research will be utilized in targeting the potential consumers of the facility to be able to under go courses at UK schools and universities. In order to remain competitive, the company will strive for constant improvements in services and associations in future within the financial and time constraints. Games Workshop is successfully operating in the gaming industry and has made significant

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Object-oriented vs traditional structured Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Object-oriented vs traditional structured - Essay Example It is indispensable to note that object oriented programming remains as the most high-level, flexible, and reusable program compared to structured programming. Object oriented programming (OPP), is much advanced than the structured programming languages since it incorporates three important principles of software development like encapsulation for data hiding which is not common in structured system. Structured programming is the application programming method created in a top- down coding style with functions oriented structures. The structured programming employs the programming mechanisms of dividing program source codes into modules, which consist of control statements like loops, library or user defined functions. The development and implementation of structured programming happens sequentially. Object oriented programming promotes the communication of objects and functions in the main program and the classes in private or public manner. There are three characteristics of object-oriented programming which the structured programming does not have for example the encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism (Pecinovscy, 2013). In contrast, structured programming takes the top-bottom approach in the development of its codes while OOP remains organized into classes and embedded with functions that control the data within the classes. Secondly, structured programming is based on data structures and subroutines while the object oriented has object that supports polymorphism or reusability accelerating system design hence the reduction cost in software development. Structured programming split tasks into modular forms improving the readability and the simplicity of its coding system. While in the object oriented programs each object code structure include the data and the statements controlling the data flow. There is no reusability in the structured code systems while in coding system of the OPP codes there is reusability meaning a section of codes can find use

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hawaii Watersports Essay Example for Free

Hawaii Watersports Essay With the white sandy beaches and crystal clear water Hawaii is the ideal place for ocean water sports. There are a wide range of water sports, from highly aggressive to leisurely sports that all types of people can enjoy. There are even sports which are specific only to the exotic islands encompassing this magnificent state. Taking a look at each individual sport will excite and possible mystify the sports enthusiast. Today we will take a look at sea kayaking, kite boarding, surfing, windsurfing, sailing, and scuba diving. Sea kayaking is an exhilarating and physically challenging sport. One must be sure to have the proper equipment and technique before heading out into the salty blue. It is said that kayakers ‘wear their kayaks’ and selecting a proper sea kayak, one that fits comfortably to your body type, can be a difficult task. First make sure that you fit comfortable in the pit. It should be snug, but not tight. If it is loose it may be difficult to maneuver. Kayaking is relaxing and comfortable sport especially around the islands. There are many ecological kayaking tours offered throughout Hawaii that will take you places and show you some of the amazing creatures and sites of the islands. Kite boarding is a new age surface water sport that is trendy among young people. Kite boarding is very similar to wakeboarding with the exception that the board is controlling their own movements with a kite, fully equipped with handle, instead of being pulled by a boat. Kite boarding is an extreme sport combining balance and coordination with the unique technique of keeping a kite in the air. Kite boarders have an unrivaled experience as they let the wind control their moves and can sometimes reach heights of 30 feet, and if they skilled and adventurous they may be able to do flips and other stunts before smoothly returning to the ocean. It is recommended that the new kite boarder takes a few lessons to learn proper techniques before venturing out on a kite boarding adventure. Surfing is a timeless and classic sport. Surfing like kite boarding is a surface water sport where the participant rides waves while balancing on a surf board. Surfing can actually be broken into many categories including body boarding, windsurfing, and body surfing. Body boarding is best described by using your body to ride a foam board over waves. Windsurfing uses both aspects of surfing and sailing. A windsurf board is a surf board with a sail attached. The windsurfer steers themselves with the sail and rides the wave as a surfer would. Body surfing is actually what the name implies, using one’s body to ride the waves. Body surfers are usually equipped with nothing by swim fins to take on the task of riding the breaking waves. Sailing is a leisurely recreation sport in which a person, or group of people, steer a ship or sail boat using sails. Sail boats move forward because of the inertia caused when the wind is caught in the sail. Sailing is a technical sport and the proper skills must be learned before heading out to sea. Scuba diving is another popular sport among the islands. Scuba requires a certification because of the danger involved. There are many short certification courses for tourists to partake in. These courses cover the essentials and make time for some short open water dives were the scuba can explore the exotic world on ocean water. Hawaii is an exotic place with many things to offer the adventurer or sports enthusiast. It is important to learn the techniques of the sports one wishes to indulge themselves in to ensure a safe and happy stay on the islands.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream Analysis

No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream Analysis Shivam Gupta No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream Everybody has problems, be it in their personal, social, or professional life. Some problems, however, involve all aspects of life and we are asked to choose a side. So is the issue with our fellow Americans who are facing difficulties in finding jobs. Some blame the economy and immigration while others believe that it is because of the advancement in technology. Artificial Intelligence has taken control over the entire world and has turned peoples attention to the future of their jobs. There are those who fear that robots are going to replace them, but, on the other hand, there are those who believe that the advancement of robots is going help them make life easier. However, according to some people, robots are not to be blamed for the competition in the job market. I agree with the New York Times article No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream, real issue is not robots nor the advancing technology, rather, the real problems are the politicians and the policies they have impleme nted. Although people believe that robots are taking over the job market, data shows that it isnt the case. People like Christine Lagarde, former president Barack Obama believe that the robots are the reason behind the economic pain of globalization and that the economic dislocation would come over from automation (Editorial Board 1). If this was the case, you would see surge in the Capital Investment and Labor productivity as technology increases productivity and people invest more in technology. Instead, the data from the article shows that after the initial increase in the 1996-2002, both the investment and the productivity have gone down substantially. The Usage of data in the article shows the actual happenings in the world compared to what people are saying. Automation not only substitutes human labor, former complements the latter. It is the policies that the current government fails to implement and take action which prevents workers to share the earned wealth from technology-led-growth. The case wasnt the same for the 20th century where due to automation in the farms the result was mass migration of Americans from rural to urban areas in search of jobs and there came the knowledge of using automation in high schools to prepare students for the future. Young people were taught how to use the appropriate automation. Another example was when the productivity due to automation led to vast profits in the industries, the democrats at that time made policies which support workers and helped raise their pay. Ever since the World War II happened the education has taken a drift from the current scenario and the people in power are not doing anything regarding the issue. The result of this situation is that the rich are getting richer and the la bor class getting poorer. Politicians still target the immigrants and robots for the misery that they have brought upon the middle-class families due to their own failures. To disengage the doings, the policies made need to be revived, and new ones enacted. I agree with the New York Times article No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream, real issue is not robots nor the advancing technology, rather, the real problems are the politicians and the policies they have implemented. To decrease the effects of the problem, people need to be educated in using the technology. Even though the robots have taken workers place, the reason behind is the extra spending that the employers have to do on workers compared to the negligible maintenance they have to spend on machines. You need to understand the real problem here, the people in-charge, and take action towards them in order to not be sidelined by technology. Works Cited No, Robots Arent Killing the American Dream. The New York Times 20 Feb. 2017. Web. 1 Mar. 2017.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Should Teacher Pay Be Based On Student Test Scores? Essay example -- m

For years, educators and government officials have argued what the most effective system of payment is for teachers in the United States. Government officials state that a â€Å"merit pay† system, where teacher pay would reflect the students’ test scores, would be the most effective and would increase teacher performance. Teachers, on the other hand, see the merit pay system as a threat to their salaries and fear that they cannot control student performance. The debate will continue for years to come. However, many people will agree that set teacher salary systems are more conducive to teaching students and maintaining a stable learning environment for all. Merit pay, also known as performance pay, systems have existed since 1862. Beginning in England, these systems focused on how many students attended classes and the number of students passing (Harris). The main goal of this particular system, in the Progressive Era, was to attract the finest teachers to certain areas and to make sure that children in the schools were learning a sufficient education. As time progressed, the same basic goals of the program have remained relatively the same. However, the popularity of the pay-for-performance program has wavered since its origination. For example, when the Russians launched Sputnik, there was a drastic push for academic excellence across the United States (Harris). In turn, many merit pay systems were implemented in hopes of giving teachers plenty of incentives and enticing them to perform to the best of their abilities. Most schools that applied the pay-for-performance plan within their school systems had dropped the program in t he next ten years. Many other countries, like Mexico and Bolivia, have also experimented with s... ...ty of Wisconsin-Madison, Aug. 2007. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. . Kobakhidze, Magda N. "Teacher Incentives and the Future of Merit-Based Pay in Georgia." Editorial. European Education 2010: 68-89. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Rosales, John. "NEA - Examining Merit Pay." NEA - NEA Home. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. . Smarick, Andy. "Diplomatic Mi$$ion." Editorial. Education Next 2011: 56-63. Education Full Text. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Springer, Matthew G. Performance Incentives: Their Growing Impact on American K-12 Education. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2009. Print Williamson, Ronald. "Education Partnerships, Inc." Education Partnerships Inc. 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Racial Discrimination Essay

There was a time in the United States of America when white Americans and African Americans were separated through a hierarchy. With the white Americans on top and the African Americans as slaves. This lead to what was recorded in history, the American Civil war where people fought to their death for equal rights. Also in recorded history was the invasion of the Spaniards in the Philippines for 333 years. People have fought and died for our country to be free and independent. And yet, it feels like not all their efforts have reached the world. That is because our world is not free from racial discrimination. Why do people discriminate different races? Are we really so different from others that we have to be looked down upon? Just because we are not white, we are already as low as dirt? Just because we don’t look the same or speak the same language or have the same culture, we are already lower creatures? Last time I checked God didn’t create the different races. He created only one race; humans. All with the same two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, hair, skin, two feet-each with five toes, two hands-each with five fingers and a heart that beats life. We all speak a language. We all have cultures. We all need a roof on our heads, clothes to wear and food on our table. We are all born the same way and in the end, we will all die. Is that so hard to accept?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biology Osmosis Observation

Biology laboratory work: Osmosis observation Measuring the dependence of net mass gain in potato pieces on concentration of sugar solution By Jonas Kulikauskas Siauliai Didzdvaris Gymnasium Hypothesis: The more sugar in solution, the more potato mass will decrease. Aim: To see how potato mass will change at different concentration solution. Research question: How the mass of potato will change at different concentration solutions? Variables: Dependent: solution concentration.Independent: sugar concentration in potatoes. Controlled: time, potato form. Apparatus: 1. 5 plastic cups 2. Distilated water 3. Potato 4. Knife 5. Clock 6. Electronical scales (Â ±0,05) 7. Bag of sugar 8. Measuring cylinder 9. Tap water Method: Peeling down the potato and cutting it into 1cm3 cubes (25 cubes) Weighing potatoes on the scales Putting different amount of sugar into five plastic cups (1st no sugar 2nd 6,8g 3rd 13,7g 4th 20,5 5th 27,4g) Adding 100ml of water to each of the cups Mixing the sugar with waterPutting in 5 potatoes into each cup Waiting 20 minutes Pulling out the potatoes, drying them up and putting on the scales Writing down new mass. Amount of sugar in solutionSolution concentration %Cup numberMass of five cubes before(Â ±0,05g)Mass of five cubes after (Â ±0,05g) 0g0%15,8g6g 6,8g6,37%25,1g5,2g 13,7g12,05%35,5g5,3g 20,5g17. 01%45,6g5,4g 27,4g21,51%55,5g5,3g Graph: While the concentration is from 0% to 6,37% the net mass gets bigger, later on from 12,05% to 21,51% the net mass gets smaller.When the concentration is from 0% to 6,37% the net mass change is positive, when from 17. 01% to 21,51% – negative. Conclusion: The potato lost more mass as it was submerged in bigger concentration solutions because the bigger concentration difference is, the osmosis will occurs more intensively. Evaluation: I think that laboratory work went pretty well, I managed to see the differences in potato mass change and make a conclusion of it. Next time I should write down origi nal numbers and not rounded ones to give more accurate results.